exact matching การใช้
- Other data structures support much more efficient insertion and deletion, and also fast exact matching.
- The second question is two-fold . ( A ) I have the exact matching number.
- The trade-off is more work and bandwidth for more exact matching of retries with original messages.
- The current efficiency record is made with this process but doesn't have exact matching lattice constants.
- Using a standard-sized card, the odds of any two cards having an exact matching magnetic PUF are calculated to be 1 in 900 million.
- Exact matching is fast with a properly indexed database, whereas fuzzy algorithms generally require a heavier scan ( though heuristics can be used to prune the search space ).
- MariaDB intends to maintain high compatibility with MySQL, ensuring a " drop-in " replacement capability with library binary equivalency and exact matching with MySQL Aria, that intends to be both a transactional and non-transactional engine perhaps even included in future versions of MySQL.
- In Russell s work, his concept of universals and particulars denies truth-independence, as each universal accounts for a specific set of particulars, and the exact matching of any two sets implies equality, difference implies inequality, and this act as a qualifier of truth.
- Installations which need exact matching will use some kind of matching circuit at the base of the antenna, or elsewhere, in conjunction with a carefully chosen ( in terms of wavelength ) length of coaxial, such that a proper match is achieved, which will be only over a fairly narrow frequency range.
- I would argue that the symbol that is used on a ballot page in India really isn't for en . wiki to have to quantify ( that India has adopted this iconic form for illiteracy issues of course should be documented somewhere and that some parties have incorporated that symbol to their logos, but it is not necessary to identify the exact matching of party to icon on a ballet ) .-- t ) 13 : 54, 20 August 2013 ( UTC)